If he shows these signs, he is not the right man for you

The fact remains that not every man who comes to a woman for a relationship is coming for good reasons. Some are just coming to destroy your vision; some are coming to be a dictator; some are coming just to make sure you are blinded from seeing the right person for you.

The question is, ‘How do I know the signs that this man is not the right person for me?’ Well in my article today, I will be showing to you 7 important signs that he is not the right man for you. You need to take note of these signs and see how it is applicable to your relationship right now and then conclude within yourself.

Below are the 7 signs that you have just been hanging out with the wrong person.

*No respect for you
If the man you are dating right now doesn’t consider or seek your opinion on most issues, then that shows that he does not respect you. You are dating the wrong person who doesn’t show respect to you or consider your opinions in some matters; instead, he pushes you and your views aside. This attitude shows that he is not the right person to get married to in the future

*Ashamed of you
If the man you are dating right now is ashamed of taking you out, showing you to his family and friends or ashamed to talk good of you in public, then this is one important sign that he is not the right man for you. If he is ashamed of you anywhere, anytime, that shows he doesn’t value you.

*Makes you feel insecure
When he begins to put up attitudes that make you feel not secured in the relationship, then this is a warning sign you need to look out for. He is not the right man for you because he cares not about your security in the relationship.

*His personal gain
A man who is in dire need of something from a woman will always do his best to make the woman stay in the relationship. He stays with you because of the money or other benefits he would get from you, that is a sign that he is not the right man for you and you are just wasting your time because when he has gotten what he needs, he will leave you devastated and heart-broken.

*Careless about your future
If the man you are dating right now is not concerned about your progress and future, then he is not the right person for you. The right man will always talk about the progress of the woman he loves and how to help her grow and develop into the woman she wants.

*Source of unhappiness
If you are with a man who is the main reason why you are sad every day, then you need to check that relationship and tell yourself the truth that he is not the right man for you. Every right man would always put the happiness of the woman he loves at the forefront.

*The best liar
If you notice that the man you are dating right now lies to you all the time, then you need to note that he is not the right person for you. Such a man doesn’t deserve your trust and can toil with your emotions with his lies.

Time is something precious and ought not to be wasted or spent with the wrong person. You need to take note of these 7 signs that he is not the right man for you and do something very quickly so as not to get badly hurt in the end.

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